
cropped-screen-shot-2010-04-25-at-1-42-55-pm.jpgMany lives have been crossed

In time, In space, In search

Of the haunting unknown

Whether it be cruel

Gracious or unfeeling

Wonder and persistence

Beckon all who will see

With each sage lesson learned

Disappointment and pain

Heartbreak, sadness and loss

Engender acceptance

Of hearts’ tragic resilience

© 2013 Lafemmeroar

About Lafemmeroar
Writer, blogger, humorist. Visit my blog to know more :)) Laughing at the malfunction of the universe is better than crying about it.

20 Responses to Searching

  1. This moves me. Strength of character informs each line, and especially the last. Often , behind humour stands a powerful sense of observation and you have demonstrated that here, together with a sense of tenderness. It gets richer each time I read it.

  2. SO true. Only through living and stumbling so we learn anything of value. That’s why young people are rarely seen as wise. 😉 Nicely done, Laff.

  3. You’ve been beautifully prolific lately. Very nice!

  4. Beautiful words,
    We each of us cross paths being seekers and teachers, each of us experiencing through the lessons of life..
    May we each keep finding each other upon our collective journey’s ..

  5. Kelly says:

    That was beautiful, it touched my heart and soul.

  6. When we sit in silence our heart untwists, even if only for a minute. This is lovely if sad, evocative of those moments in time when we look at the world and consider the possibility.

    • Lafemmeroar says:

      Yes that is what was going through my mind the possibility … the missed possibilities from giving up too quickly … from being too impatient … from being too self-possessed … from being too protective of me …

  7. I’m just beginning to see what a beautifully complicated woman you are my dear. This moved me! Especially the line: “In search of the haunting unknown whether it be cruel, gracious or unfeeling. Such excellent rhythm and words filled with life experience and heart. Well done! On another note Inion and I have nominated you for the “Reality Blog Award”. Just head on over to our blog for the details and congrats my friend.

    • Lafemmeroar says:

      Ah complicated … what a mouth and thought-full! I’m so glad the poem touched you. And thank you so much for the nomination! I’m honored that you thought of me ’cause I do give thing my own twisted “reality” don’t I? Luv you guys … the two of you always make my day especially when it’s a “blue day”! 🙂

  8. Bodhirose says:

    Wonderfully powerful words, my friend. That last line really grabbed me. Are our hearts tragic because no matter how many times they’re trampled and stomped on…they keep getting back up for more…still hopeful in its resilience.

  9. Phil Gayle_For Singles and Couples says:

    So true…with the numerous situations in life which cause disappointment, our hearts really do need to be resilient.
    I’m loving Lafem the poet…very versatile writer. 😉

  10. Scoop Jackson..."News 60" says:

    I rest my case, sweet lil’ lady!


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