Crazy Chick Q & A #10

Here’s the latest “Crazy Chick Q and A.” This week, meet Totsy Mae

Why are you a Crazy Chick?

‘Cause there are like-minded folk that I can hang out with…I think.

Describe your blog in three words.

Hmmm… sporadic, just whatever…

What is the title of your favorite post? Why?

In Sickness and In Vanity: A Woman’s Guide to Dying Pretty. I think it’s my favorite ’cause I got to dispense some much needed advice for all the women folk out there and it’s a problem-solver…You know, to keep the home fires burning (wink, wink).

If you could eat one food item for the rest of your life what would it be and why?

Lordy, mercy me…I’ll have to go with a salad on account of I could put all kindsa whatnots in it and well, I hope that counts, else I’d likely starve being the picky eater I am.

Do you prefer to cook or eat out?

Oh honey, you didn’t give me good preferences there. I prefer a good home-cooked meal but I like somebody cooking it for me.

Describe your fashion style.

Long skirts, jeans and seems like I’m prone to displaying a little cleavage every now and then. It wasn’t a plan of mine but the shirts are made in China, you know.

Define the word sexy. 

I’m gonna have to go with me showing cleavage. And how ’bout Blair Underwood and Denzel Washington standing on either side of me. Yeah, that’s sexy.

What’s your favorite: book, movie, music and television show? 

Book: Tumbling by Diane McKinney Whetstone. Movie: Shawshank Redemption. Music: Jazz. Television Show: 20/20

What makes you mad?


What makes you happy?

My two younguns.

What makes you sad?

When some wrong’s been done to a child or elderly person. They’re more fragile than the rest of us.

What’s your favorite color?

Oh, I can’t rightly say I have one. It could change from one day to the next.

What are you most grateful for in this world?

That I’m grounded enough to be thankful for everything.

What is the one achievement that makes you the most proud?

Right now, I would say getting my Masters.

If you could go back in time, what is the one thing you would change? 

Marrying too early in my life.

What would you do if you were a man (anatomically correct) for a day?

I’ve always had this dream of being a pimp.

If you had super powers, what would it be and why? 

I would wipe out debt ’cause we’re stacked high in it and I’d kinda like to have a 0 balance mortgage.

What is your dream job? 

Writing and illustrating full time from the crib.

Share 3 non-Wordpress sites that you just can’t live without. And tell us why.  – The stories are simply told and easy to relate to ’cause one day I’ll be turning 50 and I hope I’m still laughing about it  I just discovered this site and it inspires me to paint and do something out of the box

Describe your craziest day. 

Long story really. Aren’t they all though? Let’s just say it was 16 hours of being suspended in the air from Chicago to Hong Kong.

What would you do if today were your last day on earth? 

Eat lotsa chocolate like I’ve practically lost my mind.


Thanks Totsy. Stay tuned next week for another installment of the Crazy Chick Q and A.

Nominated for Best Humor Blog at Bloggers Choice Awards. Please vote 🙂

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© 2011 Lafemmeroar

About Lafemmeroar
Writer, blogger, humorist. Visit my blog to know more :)) Laughing at the malfunction of the universe is better than crying about it.

13 Responses to Crazy Chick Q & A #10

  1. veehcirra says:

    Hi girl,

    Congrats on your masters, that’s great what are you studying? and Wow, am confused did not know you were married, I don’t know how I missed that.Nice!

    Right there with you on the chocolate…talk of guilty pleasures 😉

    • totsymae1011 says:

      Thank you.

      I’m about to enjoy a little chocolate sorbet in a minute. You wouldn’t likely believe me if I told you what I studied and I kinda wished I’d done it differently, to be honest. Oh, well.

      Thanks for hanging out with me here. So cool of LaFemmeRoar to have a CC Club and feature us. 🙂

      • Lafemmeroar says:

        Hey CCs,

        Just wanted to let you know that I received my original artwork from Totsy from a contest I won at her site!!!! The art is beautiful 🙂 Here’s to Totsy having more contests and sharing more of her art … she is a truly talented CC!!!!!

  2. Totsy definitely a CC.

  3. Phil says:

    Totsy makes a nice addition to your collection of Crazy Chicks Club. Nice pick-up for sure. I just love visiting her place. I guess you want someone to cook for you Totsy, and while it might not be cooking, here’s hoping Santa brings you a Denzel and Blair sandwich…

  4. Great interview–perfectly Totsy Mae!

  5. Aurora, HSP says:

    Loving Tots and all the other Crazy Chicks! Why? Because we don’t have to do a thing but be ourselves and LFR lets us, lol. Thanks for the share Tots, I agree with LFR, soooo talented 🙂

  6. Wonderful interview … it is nice to get to know another CC blogger. You are a
    very humours gal. All her answers show a fun side. It’s been a hoot reading about you.

Talk to me :)

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