Inventive thoughts … from a Crazy Chick

Great inventions from great minds:

Popsicle: In 1905 Frank Epperson left his soft drink with a stirring stick inside it out in the cold and the next day voilà the “Eppsicle” now known as a popsicle was created.

**What do you get when you leave a horny dude out in the cold all night long? A Read more of this post

Crazy Chick Q & A #30

This week, meet Inion N. Mathair

Inion N. Mathair is Irish for daughter ‘n’ mother and is a pseudonym for our writing team. We started writing together five years ago and have completed three novels in that time. We are in the process of publishing The Perfect 7, the first in a YA fantasy fiction series about five teenage boys in a rock band that are thrust into a world of sex, drugs and rock and roll. And, are currently working on the second installment in the series, The Damask Persuasion.

Though our writing team is only five years old, both of us have been writing in one form or another most of our lives. Mathair wet her feet with poetry and editing while I took the journalistic route. It was our writing group that suggested we start writing together, given our short stories were eerily similar. Our blog came much later when we were advised by several of our friends and supporters to begin building a platform. The idea didn’t appeal to us at first, but we have to say that it’s been a sheer pleasure to have the caliber of friends we’ve been lucky enough to find. Case in point, the wonderfully crazy, beautifully genuine and heartfelt, Lafemme Roar and her Crazy Chick’s Club. We are proud members Read more of this post

Crazy Chick Q & A #30

This week, meet Carrie — Lady with a Truck

Why am I a crazy chick?
I don’t know I can’t so I do things without thinking them through a lot of the time. Like I got a job once because the woman couldn’t believe I had the audacity to apply for a job I had no qualifications for. When I was about 12 I wanted to learn how to swim so I joined the swim team. I didn’t even know how to dog paddle and was in competitions; that didn’t work out so well. Besides the initials fit. When I had my place at Cultus Lake my dad had a wood sign carved Carrie’s Cultus Cabin, and then I opened a daycare in town on Carleton St. and it was Carrie’s Carleton Corner Daycare, its only fitting I should be a CCC.  Read more of this post

Crazy Chick Q & A #29

Hey Crazy Chicks … it’s been a while since we did one of these. I’m very happy to introduce you to Selena Robins Musing! 🙂 

Why are you a Crazy Chick?

Because sanity is boring, overrated, non-eclectic and it’s cool to wear my pink Crazy Chick badge on my blog.

Describe your blog in three words.

Disney for Adults.

What is the title of your favorite post? Why?

My first blog post titled: Newbie Blogger – “Please be gentle. The Blogging Goddess isn’t finished with me yet.” Read more of this post

Dating Tips for Men

A repost for my new readers and subscribers. Thank you all and I hope you keep coming back for more 🙂

In the past I’ve given many chicks tips on how to laugh at the chaos, but now is the time to write a post dedicated to all the men out there.

Here are some tips on how to get out of sticky situations when it comes to the opposite sex. 

Next time a chick you’ve had sex with comes up to you and you just can’t remember her name tell her that you suffer from “Namenesia” the inability to remember names. Tell them that constant physical intimacy is part of the cure and you’re looking for a volunteer.

When you’re out on a date and want to weasel out of the check, just tell your date that you have “Nomullah” disease, which is the condition of never having any money. A chick with a heart of gold would be more than happy to throw down some dough for your steak dinner.

If your girlfriend gives you an ultimatum about commitment, tell her that you have RPS” (Relationship Palpitation Syndrome), a condition that gives you heart pains when you hear the words: commitment, relationship, monogamy, marriage, exclusivity and etc. The only cure for this ailment is patience and understanding on her part and lots of sex with other women and Read more of this post

Crazy Chick Q & A #28

This week, meet Akinyi Viv:

Why are you a Crazy Chick?

There are two sides of me…the outgoing, wild and gangsta vs the shy and reserved
(I use both sides in a not-so equal measure to get what I want). I believe I’m a naturally shy person but when I open my mouth guys either rumble in laughter or nurse their egos. I’m a crazy chic because I do things in accordance to what the voices in my head are telling me. I go for what I want even when it seems delirious. However, I tend to be rebellious at times…If I really dont want to do something, nothing can be said or done to change my mind. I’ve been called stubborn on numerous occasions but I believe I’m just strong-willed.

Describe your blog in three words.

…it’s all about me. My life, my ups and downs, my heart breaks, my achievements, my disappointments and all the drama revolving around me. I named the blog after my real name; Akinyi (my traditionally given name from my tribe) + Viv(my first name, Vivian). Honestly, I just dint know what to name my blog. I started blogging around the time I was graduating campus coz I was bored, jobless and single :p

What is the title of your favorite post? Why? Read more of this post

Crazy Chick Q & A #27

This week, meet Kels Gone Bush:

Why are you a Crazy Chick?Like most of you other crazy chicky babes , I am an outrageous extremist ;D
Describe your blog in three words. Northern Territory Madness
What is the title of your favorite post? Why?I have 2 Read more of this post

Crazy Chick Q & A #26

This week, meet La La of Tales of a Charm City Chick blog:

Why are you a Crazy Chick?
Hmm…there are lots of reasons. I guess two are that I like getting wicked drunk on Wednesdays and I would show my boobs for a free ice cream cone.
Describe your blog in three words.
Silly. Witty. Insightful.
What is the title of your favorite post? Why? “
Game of Bones and Moans” because it’s a play on “Game of Thrones.” I’d make the porno version if I was rich and bored.
If you could eat one food item for the rest of your life what would it be and why?  Read more of this post

Crazy Chick Q & A #25

This week, meet Cheap Ass Fiction:

Why are you a Crazy Chick?
I endeavor live in the moment and I think you have to be at least a little crazy to do that.  And, well, I’m a chick.
Describe your blog in three words.
Unafraid.  Discontent.  Pirate-y.
What is the title of your favorite post? Read more of this post

Crazy Chick Q & A #24

This week, meet Inside the Mind of Isadora:

Why are you a Crazy Chick?

I subscribed to “Crazy Chicks” mainly because I know “Crazy.” I figured I could relate with the format and go about speaking my mind without being judged. My formative years were marked by a very ill Mother. I will not call her crazy out of respect.

Describe your blog in three words.

Spiritual – Creative – Diverse

What is the title of your favorite post? Why? Read more of this post