Cosmic Significance of Chaotic Events

I believe in the cosmic significance of chaotic events. Our lives, a farce or tragedy scripted by irony, contain moments of joy and sorrow. Joy is meant to be and sorrow occurs upon the malfunction of the universe. When chaos strikes I dig deep into my free will and force a chuckle out of misery because I refuse to cry at the disaster before me.

My will against chaos is tested every day in the most mundane of circumstances. I fight back by thinking up of solutions for the malfunction.

When the crap hits the fan, I hold my nose, run for cover and thank the supreme being that it ain’t diarrhea. My noodle starts to tick about creating a device that vacuums the crap instead of spreading it.

When I feel the world is falling apart, I’m grateful that I’ve become an expert at putting things together. I’m concocting a formula for the Ultimate Super Crazy Glue Collapse repellant.

When I trip in heels I’m glad that my ankle is merely sprained instead of broken. I’d rather hobble for a few days than walk in a cast for months. I’m creating the anti-ankle twist stockings made of unbendable silky n sheer nylon steel.

When I begin to see the futility of existence I put on my crazy hat and I begin to see the world as a merry and purposeful place to be. I’m working the kinks out of my Crazy Hat prototype. I just need to turn the happy down a bit. I expect to sell millions.

When love ends, I’m thankful that the demise occurred before I’m dead as second, third, fourth, fifth (and more) chances are what make life worth living. I’ve written a “When You Need to Dump the Scum” questionnaire for those interested.

What’s the cosmic significance? Well .. I’m still here aren’t I? I find joy in chuckling and inventing crazy things. Who knows, perhaps my time on earth will change somebody’s life … especially my own.

If I didn’t have the chaos, I’d never know the joy. With that in mind, enjoy your life and laugh at the malfunction of the universe. You never know what kind of crazy ideas your laughter will bring.

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© 2011 Lafemmeroar

About Lafemmeroar
Writer, blogger, humorist. Visit my blog to know more :)) Laughing at the malfunction of the universe is better than crying about it.

10 Responses to Cosmic Significance of Chaotic Events

  1. Made me chuckle in a sad kind of way. Knowing there are millions more like us crazy chicks out there trying to fit similar pieces of the puzzle of life together with a smile on their face and love in their hearts.
    Sending you a Cosmic Hug xxx
    Sue x

  2. We should all take a lesson from you!

  3. You made me chuckle. Thanks! 🙂

  4. I need a crazy hat, and untwistable stockings just to survive until 10am…. I believe that means you have a market for these brilliant things!

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