Why I love IKEA

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It’s BIG–Who needs a gym membership when I can speed walk throughout the store.

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 breakfast – 99 cents


lunch $3.99

IKEA - Chicken Wrap $3.99

dinner $3.99

IKEA - Swedish Meatballs

for the price of a cocktail = $9.00

I can nap on the DL in one of their dreamy bedrooms.


 I buy stylish storage boxes and put unsightly things inside them.

IKEA - HÅBOL Box with lid, black

I buy cool wine glasses for my cheap wine.

IKEA - NÄRHET series


Do you love IKEA?

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© 2011 Lafemmeroar

About Lafemmeroar
Writer, blogger, humorist. Visit my blog to know more :)) Laughing at the malfunction of the universe is better than crying about it.

41 Responses to Why I love IKEA

  1. Man, I’ve heard about the Swedish meatballs there. I can’t believe I’ve only been there once a long long time ago. Now you make me feel like I totally need to make another visit!

    • Lafemmeroar says:

      Yeah, the meatballs are good. Love that place and no one bothers you. You can’t get any help for the most part either. It’s the ultimate DIY shopping place 🙂 Oh and it’s a romantic spot too. Lots of young couples roaming and kissing and I’m wondering how long is that love going to last …

  2. Aurora says:

    Cinnamon rolls, no icing or cream cheese hate that icky crap, mmmmmm, plain cinnamony cinnamon rolls. Hey, LFR why don’t you get commission on some of this stuff you share? You are promoting some big guns here and they have the pennies to spare, lol. You did a great job on this (for us and them, lol)

    • Lafemmeroar says:

      The longest amount of time I’ve spent on IKEA was four hours. Dollars spent = ZERO
      Now that’s entertainment 🙂 Wouldn’t it be nice if I could monetize my blog? lol

  3. LOVE IKEA! When we’re bored Hubby and I will walk through and decorate our pretend house “Yes that kitchen with that bedroom and that livingroom but a red couch instead of blue.” then we go home to our boring apartment.

  4. Annie says:

    I slipped and broke my aspvik once. Hurts like the dickin’s. Can’t put a bandaid on that.

  5. Amy says:

    Love buying furniture from there…. whenever I’m feeling sparse and modern and have 14 hours to kill putting things together…

    • Lafemmeroar says:

      Absolutely. I bought 3 tall Billy bookcases with doors three years ago and assembled them myself. I like modern, contemporary decor so IKEA is the place for me 🙂

  6. I love this place! I wouldn’t buy long-term furniture there, but for short-term plans and cheapie food its awesome! Half the time I go in there just to hang out anyways. I also love finding out what those weird names mean…here’s the only ones I could figure out:
    goliat=Goliath (go figure)
    and another one of my favorite ikea products:
    They are so RANDOM!

  7. Believe it or not, the only IKEA I’ve ever been in was in Sweden. I was in love with the store until I got lost and felt like I was in a maze. I must admit I felt a bit of a panic attack coming on! Then, the best part of the IKEA experience was exiting the store…

    • Lafemmeroar says:

      oooh I wonder if the Swedish version is different than the American version. IKEA is humongous even with the little arrows on the floor it’s still a darn maze to find your way out.

  8. magsx2 says:

    It certainly is a fun place to walk through. I go just to see what is new and browse around, have a coffee and some eats, then on our way.

  9. love IKEA too!! I can’t wait to go back 🙂

  10. Brittany says:

    Noooo joke, I was just talking about how much I love IKEA like..15 minutes ago. I walk around and pretend I am shopping for all the wonderfully awesome items.

    • Lafemmeroar says:

      You’re either psychic or I am … lol … when I’m there I get this big cart and spend hours shopping for knick knacks, then I love going to the “As Is” section and see all the semi-damaged stuff they have on sale. I once bought a small white end table for like $15 ’cause it had a scratch. I just put a lamp over the scratch and saved myself some money.

  11. I have only been to IKEA once, to browse. I’m more of a “local place” girl. The last bed I bought was actually made in the USA, ditto the last futon mattress, amazing!

    But yeah, I could wander around there for hours and hours, just dreaming, not that i want any of it really, but thinking, wouldn’t Barbra Streisand LOVE that creamy white couch, LOL. Amy

  12. Haha!! I love IKEA too. Cheap, affordable and so big 🙂

  13. Deborah the Closet Monster says:

    I haven’t been to IKEA nearly recently enough, but I do love it! The only time I didn’t was when power went out in Carson, leaving me standing in pitch black on the third floor and going, “I’ll be. There’s no windows in this here joint!” Turns out I’m not such a fan of total dark.

    Your comment about “stylish storage boxes” makes me think I need to get back there ASAP. I reduced some clutter in the bathroom and closet over the weekend, but holy wow do I ever need to consolidate some junk. It doesn’t have to be through expensive shelves, as I keep incorrectly rueing.

    • Lafemmeroar says:

      IKEA has three floors in your area? Wowowow!!!!!! I think if it went pitch black in an IKEA for me I;d have two reactions:

      1. If it happened in the furniture section (hopefully while I”m in the bedroom areas) I’d find my way to a bed and just sit.
      2. But if it happened in the warehouse area I’d freak. That section makes me nervous.

  14. —Dear L.
    My hands sweat just thinking about IKEA 🙂
    SO stimulating…so much stuff….so much to buy…The colors, comforters, Kitchen supplies…..
    I love it.

  15. Fox@n says:

    I dont know if I love IKEA but its okay ….. I just do not like the walking thats the reason i dont go to Costco .. great post

    • Lafemmeroar says:

      lol, I hate Costco because as big as that place is it gets sooooo CROWDED that someone’s push cart is always running into my heel. I’ve sustained so many injuries there. Thanks for visiting and I hope you come back soon 🙂

  16. Sarah says:

    It’s awesome! The hotdogs and ice-cream are one of the best things about the shop – it’s like an extra reward when you’ve finished shopping. Incidentally those hot dogs are the only reason I can get my boyfriend to go to Ikea (which he describes as ‘hell on earth’)

    • Lafemmeroar says:

      For us IKEA is heaven and for others hell … I’ve never had the hot dogs. Does your BF get the hot dog before, during or after shopping? I usually buy the chocolates and eat them while browsing. 🙂

  17. Laine says:

    Any store that needs a map to navigate its various aisles is an amazing place in my opinion.

    As much as I love Ikea, I’m absolutely useless at assembling Ikea furniture. Case in point, there is currently a bookcase in my car that I’ve been meaning to return for the last 3 weeks.

    • Lafemmeroar says:

      Sometimes I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone while roaming that place, but I eventually find my way out no thanks to the stupid arrows on the floor that I think was put there to confuse us. I did buy 3 Billy bookcases a few years ago and I was able to assemble them myself. I never thought I could do it, but I did. Of course trying to read those damn instructions gave me a few more gray hairs. Screaming helped to release some frustration, but the cases look great. The hardest part was putting in the bookcase doors. I bought the clear doors with the frosted flowers. I don’t think I could ever do such a big project again.

  18. hollyjb says:

    I’ve only been there once. It was pretty cool.

  19. effeuiller says:

    I think I am the only person in the world who is not impressed by IKEA. This must make me some kind of freak of nature.

  20. runandrant says:

    I have a love-hate thing going with ikea. I love going to the store and roaming around and just taking it all in. But, I hate the crowds, and where I live, they are there at all times.

    I have tried going during 10AM on a tuesday and it’s still packed! Makes me all clausto.

    Is it too much to ask to have my IKEA to myself for a couple of hours or so?

    • Lafemmeroar says:

      I’ve often wondered what it would be like to roam that vast space full of affordable goodies. I’m thinking that my oohs and ahhs at those cute storage boxes would echo …

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